CHOP-Code für intraoperative Nutzung einer Faszientraktion bei komplexen Hernien und «open abdomen»
Seit dem 1. Januar 2025 existiert zur «operativen Anlage einer externen Vorrichtung zur Bauchdeckentraktion mit definierbarer Krafteinstellung» ein neuer CHOP Code, der zB zum unter 54.6 («Naht an Bauchwand und Peritoneum» oder 54.72 (Sonstige Rekonstruktion an der Bauchwand) zusätzlich erfasst werden kann. Damit ist zwar noch keine zusätzliche Vergütung möglich, aber der Einsatz wird nun zentral erfasst und gilt dann als Grundlage zur Verhandlung über eine mögliche Zusatzvergütung.
Successful Swiss Hernia Days 2024
The Swiss Hernia Days have been the official annual congress of the SAHC since 2023 and are becoming increasingly popular. The congress was held in Basel for the seventh time. Around 320 participants from Switzerland and abroad came to Basel in October 2024 to discuss the latest developments in hernia surgery. This represents a new attendance record. For the first time, the event was held in the renowned Frank Gehry Building on the Novartis Campus in Basel.
SAHC elects new Board of Directors at the General Assembly
On the occasion of the successful Swiss Hernia Days 2024, a new Board of Directors was elected for the 2024 – 2026 term of office at the General Assembly on October 24, 2024. PD Dr. Henry Hoffmann from Basel was elected President and will be supported by PD Dr. Walter Brunner (St. Gallen) as Vice President. The Board of Directors is completed by Dr. Johanna Willburger (Zurich) as Actuary, Dr. Jonathan Douissard (Geneva) as Research Officer and Dr. Andrea Donadini (Lugano) for Outpatient Surgery. The long-standing President Dr. Jan Kukleta (Zurich) was appointed Honorary President in recognition of his exceptional achievements in hernia surgery. Dr. Rolf Hunkeler (Zurich) was posthumously named an honorary member for his valuable services.